Comm 1 Assignment

1. The author of Huckleberry Finn, which is an American classic, is Mark Twain whose real name is Samuel L. Clemens and lived in Hartford.
2. Mark Twain's house which was very elaborate and elegant was located at Nook Farm, Farmington Avenue and Twain was a neighbor of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tome Cabin's author.
3.Mark Twain used to pilot a steamboat and the window and balcony in his house reminds the people of a steamboat since it overlooked the porch.
4. Mark Twain, who was one of the three people who had a telephone in Hartford, didn't like it because he had no one to talk to since it was used commercially in New Haven.
5. Mark Twain's love for inventions cost him a fortune especially when he invested in the Paige Typewriter, which lost its favor to the Linotype Typewriter which was simpler and less expensive.
6. Mark Twain's beloved daughter, Susy, died of meningitis in their Hartford home and Twain never felt the same about the place; he immediately left and only returned once during the funeral of Charles Dudley Warner.

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